Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Napoleon Bonaparte and The French Revolution - 2105 Words

Napoleon and The French revolution Napoleon Bonaparte was a visionary to some, and a ruthless ruler to others. The purpose of the French revolution was to free the oppressed and stop the bloodshed that was occurring in France. The real question is whether Napoleon was the legitimate heir to the visions of the French revolution. Napoleon was in essence a very powerful man that took control of France but threw out many of the ideals of the French Revolution. His actions during his takeover where more than enough to prove that he did not intend to let France live through the old beliefs of the French revolution. â€Å"During his time in power Napoleon reestablished a French aristocracy (eliminated in the French revolution) and began handing out tittles of nobility† (His reign, History, no page.) This affected the way France governed itself again even after the French Revolution. I. Napoleons Beginnings. A.How napoleon began in the French army. B. Who helped Napoleon quickly move up the ranks of the French army. C. Napoleons takeover of France. II. The French Revolution. A. What brought about the revolution. B. What occurred during the revolutions. C. What changed in France after the revolution. III. Napoleons changes in France. A. What did he change in France. B. How did he change France. C. Why did he change France. IV. How do the changes inShow MoreRelatedNapoleon Bonaparte And The French Revolution1133 Words   |  5 PagesThe French Revolution, a revolutionary movement of extensive social and political upheavals triggered by the dissatisfaction of the monarchy. Inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment, the Third Estate overthrew the monarchy and established many different governments and constitutions. These proved to be unhelpful and useless as anyone who came into power was blinded by it and became unreliable until Napoleon Bonaparte. 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